US President Election News

US Elections 2024: Is Donald Trump stronger than Biden in the presidential race?

US Elections 2024: Is Donald Trump stronger than Biden in the presidential race? Know why analysts are saying

America’s presidential election is in November this year. Presidential primary elections are going on there. In such a situation, after recently winning in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina, Michigan and Missouri, Donald Trump is leading in the race for nomination in the Republican Party. The last candidate in front of him in the race for candidacy within the Republican Party is Nikki Haley, who is continuously lagging behind him.

The ease with which Trump defeated Nikki in the Missouri and Idaho caucuses is not surprising. It is believed that Trump will get the party’s nomination as the presidential candidate in the party’s convention to be held in July. Nikki may be making scathing attacks on Donald Trump in her political rallies, but these verbal attacks do not seem to be doing much good.

Voters are currently showing their stance in favor of Trump. In such a situation, it is clear that after the Capitol Hill riots in 2020, the popularity of the former President has not decreased, rather it has increased. International affairs expert Rajeev Dogra says, ‘Trump has dashed everyone’s hopes. Nikki Haley is especially shocked.

Nikki could not win in her own state. Now the opposition is hoping that he will be disqualified in the legal process of the ongoing cases against him, although this seems unlikely. If this does not happen then there is no doubt that the Republican Party candidate will be Trump. There is no challenge before him.

Decline in popularity
The popularity of US President Joe Biden has declined. The trends of a survey conducted by the New York Times and Siena College are not a very good sign for Biden. In this survey, only 23% people admitted that they were enthusiastic about Biden’s claim. About 48 percent people were with Trump. 26 percent people said that they are dissatisfied with Biden’s work, but not angry. However, in Trump’s case this figure is only 6 percent.

The most important thing in this survey is that 47 percent people rejected Biden’s performance. This is the biggest blow to his popularity as President in the last four years. Rajeev Dogra says, ‘With Biden’s increasing age, many questions have been raised about his health.

Along with this, questions have also been raised on his ability to take right decisions as President. Be it the issue regarding Afghanistan or not being able to take right decisions during Covid. There is also dissatisfaction among the people regarding American policies related to Israel-Hamas conflict. In such a situation, even in his own Democratic Party, leaders do not feel very comfortable about his candidature.

increasing popularity
Trump’s popularity is continuously increasing. His victory in the Iowa caucuses in January has its own significance. This victory was big in the sense that out of 99 counties there, he got maximum votes in 98 counties. In this way, he got the trust of voters from all sections of the society, which definitely indicates how America’s voters are viewing the presidential election.

The noose of cases related to overturning the results of the 2020 elections has been hanging around Trump’s neck for a long time, but a lot is yet to happen in this matter. Just a few days ago, the Supreme Court there has said that it will hear the matter whether Trump has immunity from being prosecuted in these cases? Trump has claimed that he had given these controversial orders when he was in office as President.

The decision on this matter may come at the end of June. That means the court will give its decision in this matter just before the final announcement of candidature in the party convention. It will be interesting to see how far Trump’s election victory reaches by that time.

Michelle Obama favorite
Michelle Obama, wife of former US President Barack Obama, is emerging as the people’s choice in place of Biden in the US presidential election. Speculations continue regarding his candidature. However, experts say that the party wants to use his popularity for Biden. Whatever the truth, Trump is currently at the center of the American elections. All eyes are on what happens next in this race.


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