Electricity made from dates! Three engineers from UAE did wonders
Tech World

Electricity made from dates! Three engineers from UAE did wonders

Three engineers from UAE have done a miracle. Electricity has been made from dates. All three of them used Majdool dates. The specialty of this date is that it is very large in size and can hold copper plates firmly. The purpose of this process was to convert the natural sugar present in dates into clean energy.

There is a couplet of Kabir, “What if one grows big, like a palm tree, there is no shade for the devotee, the fruits grow far away”. Kabir says in this that even though trees like date palms are big, they neither provide shade to the traveler nor is it easy to reach its fruit.

But with the help of dates, three engineers from UAE have done a miracle. Electricity has been made from dates. The date that has been used by a group of Emirati engineers and artists to generate electricity is a traditional date and is known for its properties. Let us know who did this experiment and how.

Three people together did something amazing

The credit for this invention goes to three people. Their names are- Dr. Al Attar, Omar Al Hammadi and Mohammad Al Hammadi. All three of them used Majdool dates. The specialty of this date is that it is very large in size and can hold copper plates firmly. The purpose of this process involved converting the natural sugar present in dates into clean energy.

Dr. Al Attar, Omar Al Hammadi and Mohammed Al Hammadi used copper plates embedded in dates, which were connected by a conductive metal wire. 20 dates were used for the model. The copper plates act as electrodes while the metal wires complete the circuit, allowing the setup to generate small amounts of electricity.

Explaining the inspiration behind his creation, Mohammed Al Hamadi said that dates have great importance in local Arab culture. However, in today’s fast-paced world, their importance is sometimes overlooked. The idea of doing this experiment came to showcase the talent of dates. All three people showcased their projects at the Sikka Art and Design Festival. Draws people’s attention to the cultural importance of dates while promoting sustainable energy solutions.


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