Deepfake photo of Trump exposing serious threat of AI during elections

Deepfake photo of Trump exposing serious threat of AI during elections

AI Deepfake: Deepfake picture of Trump exposing the serious danger of AI during elections, creating uproar during elections

Washington. A picture of former US President Donald Trump is being circulated. In this he is seen smiling with black supporters. At first glance there seems to be nothing wrong in this. Later it was revealed that this was a deepfake picture. It has been prepared with the help of AI. This is pointing towards misuse of AI in elections, about which concern has been expressed.

These pictures have no connection with Trump’s election campaign. This has come to light when Trump was trying to woo black voters in his favor. These images, revealed in a recent BBC investigation, are further evidence of warnings that the misuse of AI-generated images will increase as the November general election approaches.

Can be used to mislead

Experts said it can be used to mislead any group. In a report published this week, researchers at the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate used multiple AIs to show how easy it is to create real-looking deepfakes that can fool voters.

Rules exist to restrict content

However, many AI-related companies say they have rules to restrict such content. The Center for Countering Digital Hate analyzed some recent deepfakes of Trump and black voters and found that at least one was originally created as satire, but is now being used by Trump supporters as evidence of his support among blacks. Being shared in.
There should be efforts to protect against the harmful effects of AI

Imran Ahmed, CEO and founder of the center, said that internet platforms and AI companies should do more to protect users from the harmful effects of AI.


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