
Walleyes Unlimited’s swap meet and Fly Fishing Film Tour lead Go & Show


A view from a previous Walleyes Unlimited Swap Meet and Sale.

Ron Wozny

Fishing covers a big tent covering many activities, which is illustrated in Go & Show this weekend.

  • The Walleyes Unlimited eighth annual Indoor Swap Meet & Sale is 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 6, at the Antioch VFW Post 4551. The date was changed from its usual earlier one for site reasons. Per WU, “This swap-meet and sale is for new and used fishing and boating equipment and related items only. No guns, ammo, hunting, or shooting items permitted.”
  • The Fly Fishing Film Tour visits the Gorton Center in Lake Forest Sunday, April 7. There are showings at 1 and 3 p.m. It includes films as varied as “Rio De Gigantes” (peacock bass on the fly in the Amazon) to “Marlin Fly Project-F3T Edit,” (community and conservation in southwestern Baja, Mexico). I would be there, except I will be in southern Illinois for the solar eclipse. Here is a trailer:

    2024 Official Trailer

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