
Summer jobs; Hardcore history; Prison leadership change

Philly summer jobs program for youth gets makeover 

The city’s WorkReady program will be replaced by Career Connected Learning PHL which plans to hire 8,000 young people and expand year-round, work-based activities for an additional 2,000,

As WHYY’s Stephen Williams explains, participants will access internships, mentoring, job shadowing and professional development. This program is part of the vision by Mayor Cherelle Parker and Superintendent of Schools Tony Watlington, Sr. to keep young people engaged year-round and focused on workforce development and careers. Continue reading…

Looking east toward City Hall from Eakins Oval. (Emma Lee/WHYY)

Hardcore: Philly’s own brand of professional wrestling

Flying chairs, thumbtacks, broken tables and blood are just some of what made ECW what it was in the mid to late 90s. The legacy of Extreme Championship Wrestling has since expanded globally, but “that brash, loudmouth Philadelphian attitude, sewn into the violence, and the crazy, hectic nature of wrestling” remained.

Now as the wrestling world turns its focus on Philadelphia for WrestleMania next month, BP’s Nathaly Suquinagua takes us on a look back at the promotion that entertained hundreds of fans out of an old warehouse in South Philly. Continue reading…

ECW wrestler Sabu flies through the air onto an opponent and a table as part of the promotion’s hardcore style. (Source: Flickr Commons project, Jonathan Ice,

RECAP: What else happened?

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• Democratic U.S. Sen. Bob Casey and Republican David McCormick will be the only eligible names on ballots for the office in Pa.’s April primary after a ruling by the state’s highest court. [AP]

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