
Brace for up to 4 days of rain this week, National Weather Service says

One of the rainiest Marches on record in New York City will be followed by yet more rain.

April will get off to a gloomy and soggy start this week and bring showers, clouds and cool temperatures, according to the National Weather Service.

Rain is expected to begin Monday morning and stretch intermittently through Wednesday, with a total accumulation of about two inches, the weather service said.

“I think Thursday is probably the earliest that the sun comes out,” said NWS meteorologist James Connolly. “As we get towards Thursday, we kind of ease off a little bit and get into a colder showery type pattern, where we can have some showers here and there, right into the beginning of the weekend.”

He added that temperatures this week will be “a little raw,” with highs in the 40s through Friday.

The New York Metro Weather blog gave Monday a 3/10 rating but warned that drearier weather was still to come.

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