Afghanistan: Snowfall havoc, many people died, animals suffering from hunger

Afghanistan: Snowfall havoc, many people died, animals suffering from hunger

Local people say that a thick sheet of snow has accumulated on the roads, due to which all the means of transportation have been closed and people are facing a lot of problems. Many animals have also died due to hunger. In such a situation, the people here have appealed to the government for help.

Nature has been wreaking havoc in Afghanistan for the last three days. In many parts of the country, the weather changed so much that people’s lives were in danger. Heavy snowfall has been occurring at many places for the last three days. Due to which people are facing huge problems. So far, about 15 people have died due to this celestial disaster while about 30 people have been seriously injured.

Even the dumb animals are dying due to this attack of nature. According to data received from Balkh and Faryab provinces, about ten thousand animals have died due to snowfall. People here say that there has been heavy snowfall continuously for the last few days, which is causing a lot of damage.

Devastation caused by Snowfall

Local people say that a thick sheet of snow has accumulated on the roads, due to which all the means of transportation have been closed and people are facing a lot of problems. Many animals have also died due to hunger. In such a situation, the people here have appealed to the government for help. People say that small children are crying due to hunger and it is difficult to come out of their homes due to snowfall.

Government is Helping

Meanwhile, the government has announced the formation of a committee of various ministries to resolve the losses faced by livestock owners. These committees are actively working to open blocked roads, distribute food and animal fodder to affected communities as well as rescue people trapped in snowfall. Authorities have provided $50 million in aid to help livestock owners in Balkh, Jawzjan, Badghis, Faryab and Herat provinces.


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