
Young Cancer Patients Enjoy Special Prom at MD Anderson

A group of young people who have undergone or are currently receiving cancer treatment were given a special honor on Saturday night in Houston, Texas.

For several years, MD Anderson has hosted a prom night for teenagers and their families who have endured so much on their health journeys, KHOU reported.
Brodie Pursch is one of the young people who enjoyed the recent gathering. He is also celebrating because after receiving treatment at MD Anderson his tumor is no longer cancerous.

“I’m excited, it’s my first time and I didn’t know there was a prom for us teens,” he said.

An image shows a young couple walking into the celebration while people wearing purple and green T-shirts cheer them on:

According to KHOU, the young people receiving treatment enjoyed a fashion show, live music, and food. They were also treated to beautician services and got to wear special jewelry and tuxedos so they would look their best on the big night.

The evening was dubbed “An Unforgettable Evening in the Enchanted Forest Prom Party Palooza.”

Video footage from May of 2023 shows young people entering that year’s prom. Each one of them was dressed to the nines and had the time of their lives on the dance floor:

Tomika Gamble, who is the program director for pediatrics at MD Anderson, told KHOU on Saturday the prom is truly a community event.

“We’re the ones who are there to provide the fun, to bring joy and instill joy. We want them to forget the pain for a moment, for them to live and be happy, you’ll see immediate gratification just with their smiles,” Gamble stated.

In March, another unique prom experience happened when a nonprofit group in Omaha, Nebraska, put together an evening of fun for young people with special needs, Breitbart News reported.

“The event was the first one of its kind that did not have age restrictions, so more people could attend and experience something truly wonderful,” the outlet said.

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