
Working New Yorkers Need ‘Good Cause’ Eviction

“Our elected leaders have come out strong in support of our efforts to fight for fair compensation and decent working conditions for our members on the streets and at the bargaining table. But the gains that we have won are steadily being eroded by the skyrocketing cost of housing.”

Chris Janaro

Tenants and housing activists at a rally in Manhattan last week.

The housing affordability crisis has impacted all of New York State. No matter how hard New Yorkers are working, it is becoming nearly impossible for them to make ends meet, stay in their homes or find an affordable place to live. The skyrocketing cost of living is forcing families to make hard choices about whether they can even afford to stay in our state.

Albany cannot let another legislative session go by without addressing this crisis head on by passing Good Cause Eviction, which will provide necessary tenant protections while challenging the unjust practices of landlords who continue to drive out tenants with rent hikes and intimidation tactics.

As the leader of one of New York’s largest labor unions, I have seen how hard the housing crisis has hit and the impact it has on our members. Our members—working class New Yorkers who do the essential work that keeps our state running—are increasingly struggling to make ends meet.

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