
U.N. Invites Taliban to Afghanistan Summit, Who Reportedly Demand Ban on Women

The United Nations invited the jihadist Taliban terrorist organization to a two-day conference on Afghanistan in Doha, Qatar, next weekend, its third such meeting since the Taliban seized power in 2021.

The Islamist extremists have reportedly demanded no Afghan women should be allowed to participate in the meeting.

Human rights activists seem deeply worried that the U.N. will bow to the Taliban’s demands and create some political cover by scheduling other meetings in Doha that would include critics of the Taliban’s misogynist policies.

Taliban mark the second anniversary of their takeover of the country in Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023. AP Photo/Siddiqullah Alizai)

Taliban mark the second anniversary of their takeover of the country in Kabul, Afghanistan, on August 15, 2023. AP Photo/Siddiqullah Alizai)

“Excluding women risks legitimizing the Taliban’s abuses and triggering irreparable harm to the U.N.’s credibility as an advocate for women’s rights and women’s meaningful participation,” said Tirana Hassan of Human Rights Watch (HRW).

“What is happening in Afghanistan is the most serious women’s rights crisis in the world and the idea that the U.N. would convene a meeting like this and not discuss women’s rights and not have Afghan women in the room is beyond belief,” said Heather Barr, another HRW representative.

“The only plausible explanation is that they’re doing this to get the Taliban to the table, but for what? Already, three years of diplomatic engagement has produced nothing and all this does is set an appalling precedent, emboldens and legitimizes the Taliban and hands them a huge political win. It is a betrayal not just of Afghan women but all women around the world,” said Barr.

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“Sidelining critical discussions on human rights would be unacceptable and set a deeply damaging precedent,” warned Amnesty International Secretary General Agnes Callamard.

“Caving into the Taliban’s conditions to secure their participation in the talks would risk legitimizing their gender-based institutionalized system of oppression – a system that has sought to erase women and girls from society by callously stripping them of their most fundamental rights,” Callamard said.

The Taliban was not invited to the first U.N. conference on Afghanistan in May 2023. The junta was invited to the second conference in February 2024, but refused to attend because its conditions were not met. One of those conditions was that only members of the Taliban could be recognized as representatives of the government of Afghanistan. Those members would, of course, be all male, and none of them would be critics of the Taliban’s human rights abuses.

A woman wearing a burka walks through a bird market as she holds her child, in downtown Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, May 8, 2022.

A woman wearing a burka walks through a bird market as she holds her child, in downtown Kabul, Afghanistan, on May 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the Taliban’s terms for attending the February conference were unacceptable.

“These conditions, first of all, denied us the right to talk to other representatives of the Afghan society and demanded a treatment that would, I would say, to a large extent be similar to recognition,” he said.

The U.N. has not formally recognized the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan and neither has any country on Earth, including the terrorist organization’s patrons in China and Russia. As Guterres noted, barring all other Afghan voices from a U.N. conference would amount to implicitly recognizing the Taliban’s authority.

The U.N. has apparently grown so desperate to bring the Taliban to the table that it has decided to convey that implicit recognition and bow to the primitive misogyny of the junta. Afghans who have been trying to resist the Taliban regime were appalled by the decision.

Antonio Guterres

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addresses reporters during a news conference in New York on June 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

“This situation is an indirect submission to the will of the Taliban. Law, democracy and sustainable peace are not possible without including half of the population of the society who are women. I don’t think we have learned anything from past mistakes,” said Sima Samar, former minister of women’s affairs under the government overthrown by the Taliban in 2021.

“As one of the main changes, the people of Afghanistan should protest against discrimination, especially against women. Because this is not only the problem of women, but the problem of every family and every father, brother, child and husband,” Samar said.

“Unfortunately, the international community wants to deal with the Taliban, and that is why their own agenda has always been more important to them than the women of Afghanistan, democracy, or anything else,” said Habiba Sarabi, the first female governor of Afghanistan under the legitimate government and also a former minister of women’s affairs.

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U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said capitulation to the Taliban was necessary to “encourage the de facto authorities to engage with the international community through a coordinated and structured approach for the benefit of the Afghan people.”

“Human rights and the rights of women and girls will feature prominently in all the discussions, certainly from the part of the U.N.,” Dujarric said, implicitly conceding that the Taliban’s demands for a conference purged of Afghan women would be met, but promising that U.N. representatives at the meeting would stand up for their cause.

“We are trying to establish a process and preserve an important mechanism of consultation. We must be realistic about how much each meeting in this process can deliver, especially at this early stage where confidence and trust are insufficient,” U.N. special envoy to Afghanistan Roza Otunbayeva told the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) on Friday.

Otunbayeva confirmed that the Taliban would not be challenged on their human rights abuses at the meeting.

“This is what is possible today,” she said. “It is a process. Let’s start to speak.”

“For the first time, special envoys of all the countries would meet face to face with the Taliban. They would tell them that, ‘Look, it doesn’t work like this, and we should have women around the table, and also provide them with access to the business,’” she said, offering a perspective that seems downright delusional given how thoroughly the Taliban has oppressed Afghan women and excluded them from positions of power.

A Taliban fighter stands guard as a woman walks past in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Dec. 26, 2022. Recent Taliban rulings on Afghan women include bans on university education and working for NGOs, sparking protests in major cities. Security in the capital Kabul has intensified in recent days, with more checkpoints, armed vehicles, and Taliban special forces on the streets. Authorities have not given a reason for the tougher security. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)

A Taliban fighter stands guard as a woman walks past in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Dec. 26, 2022. Recent Taliban rulings on Afghan women include bans on university education and working for NGOs, sparking protests in major cities. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)

The U.N. mission to Afghanistan said in February that Afghan women are afraid to leave their homes because they could be brutalized by Taliban enforcers for violating the Islamist legal code, which sharply regulates the dress and behavior of women, excludes them from many public places, and requires them to travel with male “guardians” at all times.

According to Otunbayeva, the weekend conference in Doha will focus on “helping Afghan private businesses, addressing financial and banking sector issues, and finding alternate livelihoods for farmers affected by the Taliban’s nationwide ban on opium poppy cultivation.”

The U.N. envoy said all of those topics were women’s issues, even if the Taliban bans women from the decision-making process. Otunbayeva insisted “nobody dictated” the terms of the Doha meeting, but also confirmed that no Afghan women will attend it, although she and some other female U.N. officials will be involved.

Afghan girls read the Quran in the Noor Mosque outside the city of Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Aug 3, 2022. Maulvi Bakhtullah, the head of the mosque, said that the number of girls who come to this mosque to learn Quran has multiplied after the closure of public schools. For most teenage girls in Afghanistan, it’s been a year since they set foot in a classroom. With no sign the ruling Taliban will allow them back to school, some girls and parents are trying to find ways to keep education from stalling for a generation of young women. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)

Afghan girls read the Quran in the Noor Mosque outside the city of Kabul, Afghanistan, on August 3, 2022. Maulvi Bakhtullah, the head of the mosque, said that the number of girls who come to this mosque to learn Quran has multiplied after the closure of public schools. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)

Adding to the U.N.’s humiliation, Otunbayeva admitted that Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi might not bother to attend the conference, even though he was personally invited when U.N. Undersecretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo visited Afghanistan in May.

The bottom line is that the Taliban has been highly effective at taking their own population hostage, slowly squeezing concessions and humiliating acts of submission from the United Nations because the U.N. is desperate to get humanitarian aid into Afghanistan.

U.N. humanitarian finance director Lisa Doughten used some of the most powerful magic words in globalist politics when she told UNSC that “climate change” is making the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan worse.

“Extreme weather events are more frequent and more intense. Some areas in Afghanistan have warmed at twice the global average since 1950,” Doughten said.

Climate change trumps most other considerations at the U.N., which is why U.N. officials are begging the Taliban to let girls go to school if they cave to many of the junta’s other demands. The U.N. estimates that half the Afghan population needs humanitarian aid after three years of Taliban misrule, and the international community will do whatever it takes to persuade the junta to allow the rest of the world to feed their captive citizens.

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