
Trump Is a ‘Despicable Person’ Who Can’t Be Trusted with the Nuclear Codes

Joy Behar told her co-hosts Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that former President Donald Trump was a “despicable person” who should not be trusted with the nuclear codes.

Discussing the details of adult film star Stormy Daniels’ testimony during the New York business record case, Behar said, “The major thing for me is he did not wear a condom. I’ll tell you why. First of all, this is a guy, it’s because of him they’re overthrowing Roe v. Wade all over the place.”

She continued, “He says women who get pregnant and have abortions should be punished and here he is, you know, having unprotected sex with a porn star. I don’t think FDR did that or Truman or Johnson, none of them, well, maybe Kennedy might have. I don’t trust a guy with a nuclear codes who doesn’t think to wear a condom when he’s having sex with a porn star. I’m sorry.”

She added, “The other one down in Florida, Cannon, that judge needs to be taken to task because she keeps kicking the can down the road on that whole trial with the documents which he could have given to any dictator in the world and won’t see it until after he’s in office and probably get rid of everybody he disagrees with so he may not go to jail for this but the American people can see what he is. He’s a despicable person and we have to remember that. The Evangelicals, one more thing, the Evangelicals are doubling down on him. They like him even more than they used too.”

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