
Taylor Swift’s family history includes this 19th century Philly civic leader

In 1923, a bomb ripped through a Northwest Philadelphia home. This event, improbably, has ties to Benito Mussolini and a person who is arguably the most famous Pennsylvanian on Earth. How?

The bomb-damaged home belonged to a man named Charles Carmine Antonio Baldi. Born in 1862 in the Campania region of Italy, C.C.A. Baldi’s story was a classic immigrant-success tale. Baldi arrived to Philadelphia in 1877, where he started out as a fruit peddler.

Out of those lemons he made. . . well. . . you know. Baldi’s business empire eventually included a funeral home and bank. He also started L’Opinione, the city’s first Italian-language newspaper, and became a hugely influential civic leader.

C.C.A. Baldi, around age 45. (Wikimedia Public Commons)

Italian immigration to Philadelphia peaked in the early 1900s. Baldi became a titan in this growing community, much of it based in South Philadelphia. He doled out jobs. He amassed property. He was, as the papers put it, “leader” of the “Italian colony.”

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