
Take 5 with children’s author Allison Hill

What exactly is art; who defines it; who makes it, and where in Atlanta do poets, thespians, and artists congregate and create? We’ll use this space to catch up with a few for a few…some you may know; others we hope you’ll be pleased to meet their acquaintance.

Allison Hill (Provided)

My mom once shared that when I was around three, she’d have to read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish to me every day, and if she tried to skip a page, I’d stop her. Well, I still have my original copy and other kids’ books I’ve collected over the years, most recently Ruth Forman’s delightful board books box set, Shine Bright.

So, reading Allison Hill’s first book, Lolly the Left Out Lobster, was a joy and reminded my inner child to come out and play, precisely what the adult me needs to do more often. Hill, who lives in Buckhead, said she would advise her younger self that ambitions don’t have expiration dates, that she should relax and enjoy the journey, and that the universe will deliver the experiences needed to accomplish goals down the line.

When Hill is not on that journey, her favorite place is at home in Buckhead, hanging out with her husband, Geoff, dogs, and friends or listening to music (Which we’ve gathered as a Spotify playlist at the end of this Q&A).

Your interview about relocating to Ogunquit, Maine, during the pandemic caught my eye. During a visit to Maine some years ago, I saw my first real snowflake. I felt like the first grader I was when I used to cut them out of construction paper when I looked around and saw them falling from the sky in precisely those designs. Pardon my nerd-out about Maine and the snow—I imagine Ogunquit was part of your inspiration; talk about how Lolly the Left Out Lobster originated and how she ended up in a children’s book.

I love that you nerded out about the snow! The best part of Maine is the natural beauty in every little detail, so I feel you on the snowflakes! My parents met and eventually married in Ogunquit, and it’s always been my family’s memorable summer getaway. I remembered a funny tall tale my dad would tell my girls about a lobster that lived in the woods, and, in thinking about how they ended up there is where the book began.

Lolly, in my mind, grew into a sweet girl lobster who is perceived as scary due to her hard shell and bright red body. With all the bad rap diversity and inclusion programs receive today, thought this story could be a great message about having an open heart and mind and not judging a book by its cover. To me, DEI is as simple as understanding others. I began writing (maybe with a glass of wine), and the words flowed, inspired by Maine’s beauty. 

To get Lolly right, I worked with Sandie Sonke, whose illustrations from a different project captivated me. I wanted Lolly’s look to contrast what people may typically think about lobsters, so we made her girly, and Sandie turned a bow I suggested behind her antennae into a flower. Lolly came to life and felt like a true friend.

One of my lessons from the pandemic was how essential art in any form is because we found creative ways to access it—when we couldn’t go to it, it found us. Can you share a few pandemic lessons that inspired Lolly the Left Out Lobster and what you want kids and adults to learn?

Documentaries about the pandemic in 10 years will blow our minds when we finally unpack everything we learned. It was emotionally tough for me as a mom and in my role with DEI. We packed up and drove to Maine, thinking it would be a couple weeks. This turned into months in which my daughter’s -graduation was canceled, politics ran wild on social media, George Floyd was murdered, and people were out of work and struggling. 

As a parent, I was frightened that my kids would be influenced by all the negativity in the world, the blatant racism, the lack of respect for others. They needed to grieve their losses, and we also wanted to teach them (without preaching) about deep disappointments. There were kids without the internet to do homework or money to pay bills. So, we brainstormed an idea to help others, which is how our family cookbook was born, with 100% of proceeds going to Feeding Family, Feeding America. 

I wanted my daughters to reflect on the pandemic as not all losses but with positive memories of being together, working together, laughing, and being proud of something, which dovetails into Lolly and her message about love and acceptance. My amazing bestie from college is a therapist, and we worked together to add tips in the back of the book on how to talk to children and support their feelings, which also applies to adult relationships.

An inspiration for your nonprofit, Eat Laugh Give, which provides necessities like food and kitchen supplies to families that need them, is that the kitchen is the heart of the home and brings families together. Our little green and yellow kitchen was where my family ate, talked through issues, and held our Saturday night ritual of my mom doing our hair for church the next day while we watched Hee Haw and Lawrence Welk. Thinking of your nonprofit, how can a shared meal unite people, and how does your nonprofit use this philosophy to support its mission?

I love the story about your mom! And that the kitchen was used for two very different but very bonding rituals. Even though we weren’t eating a sit down dinner together every night due to after-school activities, sports, and everything, the heart of our home was still the kitchen and where we bonded, too. Homework at the counter, talks about our days, watching (insert Dance Moms, Kardashians, Below Deck). I love to cook and would have dinner ready; sometimes, when the girls were little, they would create different recipes that Geoff and I pretended were delicious. Ha! Either way, 95% of our family time in our home was in the kitchen, and research shows that’s the case for most people. Breaking bread together goes as far back in time as anything. In 2022, we piloted an idea to help families by having that time around the table together by providing food and kitchen supplies, moving into bigger projects like even remodeling a kitchen. We hope this inspires other families to do what they are passionate about to help others.

There’s an “art” to everything you do, from leading and following to creating and building. Your Blueprint to Launch a DEI Program resonated with me, particularly your emphasis on culture. As I read it, I couldn’t help but wonder about the motivations behind your other projects, such as your children’s book and your nonprofit. What inspired you to embark on these journeys? What do they have in common that draws you to them?

This is the best question! At the heart of everything, I’m inspired by making the world a happier place…relationships matter, people matter…people are also different and come from different experiences. So, all the work I do centers around connections – and it seems as though most the projects I work on connect, intersect, and reinforce one another. It never feels like different projects – they are all rooted in the same values.

There are many ways to do that, such as helping other families with their kitchens and providing a tool like Lolly for families to have fun and be silly with the character voices and things, as well as a way to talk about feeling left out or others that are left out. My daughters have some terrific ideas for future storylines, too. I’m excited to see how the characters come to life over the years. The book proceeds will help fund the kitchen makeovers so it all lives in the same ecosystem.

If you wrote a book about five things learned in your work and life experiences that could help us be more like Luna, who helped Lolly find her way without judging her, what would they be?

My book title would be Little Things Are Big Things, and here are five things I’ve learned about sweet Luna and friends:

  1. “I am better than no one, and no one is better than me.” Treat everyone, from CEO to the hourly worker, with the same respect and -thoughtfulness. Be kind and be confident.
  2. Proactively interact with others who aren’t the same as you. Volunteer, ask a colleague to help you on a project, ask questions, be curious. You can learn so much from others’ experiences. That’s part of why I loved working in global roles—so much exposure to different nationalities, cultures, and customs.
  3. How can I help? What are your talents, passions, and natural abilities that can serve others? 
  4. Smile. It’s incredible how much smiling can brighten someone’s day. I love smiling and saying hi in a crowded elevator. It’s fun.
  5. Give compliments. If you think it, say it. One day, I came home from school, and my mom was in the best mood ever. I asked her why she was so happy. A woman in the grocery store had stopped and told my mom, who is very humble, that she was beautiful and loved her outfit. It hit me then and there, that one small comment can lift a spirit for a long time. People probably think I give too many compliments, but I don’t care. If I think it, I say it.

Hill’s book, Lolly the Left Out Lobster, is out now everywhere books are sold. There will be a story time launch on Saturday, May 18 at Fox Tale Book Shop.

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