
Street safety update; Asian Arts leader steps down; Weekly gun violence brief

The death of a bicyclist killed by an out-of-control driver on Spruce Street last week, and the deaths of a pedestrian and a toddler in a stroller in North Philly, have led to renewed calls for more robust traffic safety measures. What has been done recently, and by the Parker administration, to reduce traffic deaths? Continue reading…

Activists and allies stand on Spruce Street Sunday, July 21, as part of a vigil for a cyclist killed in a crash with a motor vehicle a week earlier. (Delaney Smith/Billy Penn)

Anne Ishii has decided to step down from the Asian Arts Initiative, effective Aug. 15. “In the last year I had been thinking about how to reduce my work capacity. I personally am feeling like I need a lighter workload,” she said. “The organization can’t afford to have an executive director who works any less than full-time.” As AAI searches for a new leader, its director of programs Dave Kyu will serve as interim executive director. Continue reading …

Asian Arts Initiative Executive Director Anne Ishii curls up with a sculpture by Jongbum Kim. (Emma Lee/WHYY)

RECAP: What else happened?

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Tax credits aren’t enough to solve Pa.’s child care crisis, say business groups. [SpotlightPA]

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