
South Street traffic; Sustainable theater; Weekly gun violence brief

Grays Ferry traffic project sparks concern in Fitler Square

The state recently awarded the city a $1.6 million grant to help fund two related street improvement projects proposed at South Street’s Triangle Plaza. The uncontroversial part would make the temporary public space at South and 23rd Street/Grays Ferry Avenue into a permanent fixture by extending sidewalks. 

The plan to improve pedestrian safety by reversing traffic flow on three blocks of 24th Street, however, faces opposition from residents of nearby Fitler Square, where daily peak-hour traffic would be diverted. BP’s Meir Rinde outlines the plans and how it would impact residents. Continue reading…

The South of South Neighborhood Association has proposed extending the sidewalk in three spots along Grays Ferry Avenue and reversing traffic flow to a northbound direction on three blocks of 24th Street. (Google Maps/Billy Penn)

Building a sustainable future for Philly theaters 

Theaters routinely spend thousands of dollars on a stage set — it’s not unusual for the tab to top $50,000 for materials alone, not including labor costs. It doesn’t have to be that way, though, and two veteran Philadelphia stage construction pros from the Wilma and Curio theatres are on a mission to ensure a more sustainable future for local theaters. 

The benefits, they say, span environmental, financial, and community-supportive goals. BP’s Jane M. Von Bergen spoke with them about their efforts and how it works. Continue reading…

The Wilma Theater’s latest production, The Good Person of Setzuan, features a zero-waste set made from trash and recycled materials created by Set Designer Stephen Dufala and Production Manager Matthew Zumbo. (Joanna Austin/Wilma Theater)

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• The Supreme Court is weighing in on whether obstruction charges are warranted against some Jan. 6 rioters, including a Pa. man. [AP]  

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