
Restoring parts of Ramblersville, Queens shoreline the subject of Monday meeting

The Parks Department is slated to host a meeting in Queens on Monday to gather community input surrounding the upcoming Ramblersville Shoreline Restoration Project.

Residents will have a chance to share their thoughts on the $4.8 million restoration project slated for Ramblersville, a tiny neighborhood near Howard Beach (east and west of 102nd Street by Broadway, Church Street and Bridge Street) that was badly damaged during Hurricane Sandy in 2012. There, they will find out more about what the city plans to do with the land along the shores of Jamaica Bay, where it acquired and demolished several homes.

Roger Gendron, president of the New Hamilton Beach Civic Association, said he hopes the end result is something that protects residents from rising waters, but also that everyone in the neighborhood can enjoy.

“I would like to see this become something that is going to protect everybody in the area — I mean, go towards some sort of protection from the storms and the rising sea waters,” he said. “But also something that becomes like a bright spot for the neighborhood, something that the neighborhood could use, whether it’s just to go sit in a beautiful area on a bench and read your book.”

Gendron said he plans to attend the meeting, which will be held at the Howard Beach Motorboat Club at 7 p.m.

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