
Raising Taxes on NY’s Wealthy is the Right—and Popular—Thing to Do 

“Not only are such increases necessary to secure investments in badly needed and widely desired public goods like education, health care, and housing, the costs of which are likely the driving factor behind the worrisome out-migration of working and middle class New Yorkers.”

NYS Senate Media Services

Both the State Senate and Assembly’s one house budget proposals included a push to increase revenues from top earners and businesses.

There’s been a smart and sensible proposal in the state budget that will address the need for tax reforms to increase revenues from top earners and businesses. This also expands credits to workers and families with lower incomes.

Gov. Kathy Hochul vowed no new taxes, but, unexpectedly, the Assembly and Senate agreed to two temporary (until 2027) tax provisions in their respective “one-house” budgets. The modest proposals include a half percentage point increase in personal income taxes for earnings over $5 million and in corporate income taxes for profits over the same threshold. Together these would generate a projected $2.2 billion in revenues in the first year alone.

These proposals come at a time when the state should be taking stock of where it has been, considering especially the impact of the pandemic on the state, and where it is headed, with a rosier economic outlook than expected. Inflation is declining, fear of a recession has subsided, and projected revenues are higher than anticipated. But the state looks very different than it did before the pandemic, and those differences are why additional tax revenue is justified.

Although New York typically leads all states in its level of inequality between rich and poor, it was one of only eight states to witness a statistically significant increase in inequality from 2021 to 2022 (the last full year of income data), according to the Census Bureau

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