
MBTA Green Line ridership surged on Marathon Monday

More people entered a Green Line station through a fare gate on Marathon Monday than any single day since before the pandemic, the MBTA said Thursday, which touted the crowded stations as a “milestone” moment for the transit agency.

The MBTA has struggled to return to pre-pandemic ridership levels, an issue that has helped push fare revenue down and contributed to a massive budget gap the transit agency faces. But for at least one day, MBTA General Manager Phillip Eng said riders “trusted” the MBTA to get them where they needed to go.

“Throughout the weekend and on Marathon Monday, we carried robust ridership across the system. This further illustrates just how vital public transit is. I’m proud of the hardworking employees at the T, our commuter rail workforce, and our partners at Keolis for providing safe, reliable, consistent service, allowing thousands to enjoy the 128th Boston Marathon,” Eng said in a statement.

Green Line stations reported 77,000 entries at fare gates on April 15, which is about a 70% increase over typical Monday crowds and the highest number on a single day since before the pandemic forced people to stay at home, according to the agency.

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