
Mayor Adams Wants to Turn NYC Into ‘Cop City’

“This project speaks not just to one isolated facility but the current administration’s overarching goal to make all of New York City a ‘Cop City’ in and of itself.”


Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office

Mayor Eric Adams delivers at a ceremony in May, where he announced a new training facility for 18 city agencies involved in public safety measures.

“Cop City” has a new location on its carceral tour: New York City. In early May, Mayor Eric Adams announced plans to build a facility that will consolidate the training for 18 departments, including the NYPD, Department of Sanitation and Parks, Department of Homeless Services, and the Taxi & Limousine Commission. The project is set to break ground in College Point, Queens, in 2026.

It will be located next to the current police academy, which is only a decade old and already contains a 32-acre campus with a tactical village emphasizing hands-on, scenario-based training. The new building is currently set to cost at least $225 million in taxpayer dollars, using money earmarked for the Department of Corrections back in 2021.

Officials claim this facility will improve public safety by “professionalizing the idea of how to do enforcement training.” However, with NYPD spending $115 million on misconduct payouts last year alone, the department’s training model should not be spread to other city agencies. 

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