
Letters to the editor

Statie scandal

I could not concur more with Howie Carr in his stark, unequivocal evaluation that, “Some troopers in the State Police force are a disgrace to the badge.”  His thought-provoking coverage of the reprehensible  background of these state troopers leaves no doubt about their obvious disrespect for the badge once given to them on becoming state police.

Howie presents a plenitude of situations describing charges for corrupt state troopers notwithstanding his verve to inject humor into an otherwise despicable situation existing today in Massachusetts among state troopers.

Therefore, I can understand the passion behind the headline “Thieving Staties Deserve No Mercy “ Certainly Howie is justified in seeking many years of imprisonment for these men entrusted with the duty to uphold the law. My suggestion of a headline: “Thieving Staties Get Years Behind Bars.” Because mercy is an act of benevolence, recognized in a variety of fields – religious, social and legal – it is entirely possible to receive mercy from someone regardless of how much the person deserves it.

Frank Hickey


Seeking records

I was 29 in 1981 when my father was murdered at Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa, Oklahoma by the James “Whitey” Bulger gang. In the years since I have helped Tulsa homicide detective Mike Huff investigate this case.

In January 2004, the United States admitted responsibility for both my father’s execution and decades of subsequent coverup.

Mike and I fully support efforts by the Boston Herald to obtain complete unredacted copies of the entire James “Whitey” Bulger materials in the possession of the federal government.

David Wheeler

Campus chaos

There is no room for blatant violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.  U.S. Rep. Jake Auchincloss visited Harvard and decried the hostile atmosphere that has permeated the college campus.  Kristin Tate wrote a magnificent article, ‘Campus chaos begins the end of elite colleges,’ that summed up the consequences of the cesspool of Marxist ideology that leftist professors spew on coddled upper-middle class and upper-class youth looking for a radicalized high.  Professional anarchists find plenty of useful idiots on today’s college campuses.  It’s time to cut federal funds to colleges that are impotent in protecting the civil rights of Jewish students and faculty.

It’s time for Harvard and other elite colleges to draw on billion dollar endowments instead of getting federal dollars to fund un-American values.

Donald Houghton


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