
Lawsuit filed by family of Barrington teen killed when hit by Metra train

The family of a Barrington High School student killed when hit by a Metra train while walking to classes Jan. 25 has filed a wrongful death lawsuit alleging authorities failed to protect pedestrians at the crossing where she was struck.

Marin Lacson, 17, died as she crossed the Union Pacific tracks at Hough Street in downtown Barrington. The suit, filed Wednesday in Cook County court, alleges pedestrians were not adequately warned of the danger at the crossing, despite at least two prior occasions where trains struck pedestrians there.

“Marin’s death was entirely preventable,” attorney James Pullos said in an announcement of the lawsuit. “Marin merely attempted to cross over the sidewalk on her way to school after the first train passed through the crossing. Without any warnings to alert her that an inbound train was coming from the opposite direction and without notice that this inbound track was what is sometimes called a ‘hot rail,’ Marin was unaware there was a second train approaching.”

Marin Lacson, 17, was killed Jan. 25, 2024 when struck by a Metra train while walking to classes at Barrington High School.
Courtesy of Clifford Law Offices

The suit names Union Pacific Railroad, Metra, the Regional Transportation Authority and the village of Barrington as defendants.

According to the 34-page complaint, no engineering study was ever performed after the two previous pedestrian incidents at the crossing to assess the risk of train collisions and no action was taken to improve pedestrian safety at this crossing.

The lack of safety measures is especially troubling because the crossing is located in a “Quiet Zone,” where train horns are not to be sounded except at the operator’s discretion, the family’s lawyers contend.

“Instead of showing urgency for the community safety, no action was ever taken to address the long-standing safety concerns at this crossing,” Pullos said.

Michael Lacson delivered an emotional statement via YouTube, in which he said Marin’s death was preventable.

“Unlike other nearby railroad crossings, this crossing lacked pedestrian gates and other pedestrian warnings, which would have saved my daughter’s life,” he said.

He said basic safety measures were ignored for years and continue to be ignored, while, “So far, those responsible for addressing the community’s safety have not held themselves accountable.”

In particular, he said the family has lost “all trust and confidence” in Barrington’s elected leadership to take necessary to increase public safety and hold the railroad companies accountable.

“My family is committed to making a difference to prevent something like this from ever happening again,” he said. “Marin was a wonderful person with a bright future ahead of her. Our family has been devastated.”

Metra spokesman Michael Gillis said Metra has no comment on the lawsuit.

Initial attempts to reach Barrington officials were unsuccessful, but Barrington has said it is partnering with the ICC and Union Pacific Railroad on a project to install pedestrian gates at the Hough Street crossing and the Cook Street/Main Street crossing. The Canadian National upgraded its Hough Street crossing last year with pedestrian gates. It also upgraded its contract with Andy Frain to provide extra crossing guards at the village’s railroad crossings.

This is a developing story. Check back to for additional information.

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