
Investing in Future New Yorkers With ‘Baby Bonds’

“With investments starting at just $1,000 per newborn, the next generation of New Yorkers will be better prepared to thrive.”

baby bonds announcement 2021

Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office

My wife and I are about to have our first baby. I’m over the moon.

I want to do everything I can to prepare for this new addition. We’ve bought books, moved into a new apartment, and have been getting advice (solicited and unsolicited) from just about everybody. Something else we’re doing is opening a 529 savings account for this future child, where we’ll make a deposit for their future—a small down payment on their education.

We’re lucky that we can put a few bucks away for this baby, but we know that many New Yorkers aren’t able to do the same. But what if everybody could? What if New York invested in the future of our city by investing in future New Yorkers?

Baby bonds, a seed account granted to every child and placed in a trust as they grow, is our opportunity to do just that. The concept is simple at its core: just give babies some money and let it grow into a fund that can be used for education, buying a home, starting a business, or otherwise enriching their lives. With investments starting at just $1,000 per newborn, the next generation of New Yorkers will be better prepared to thrive.

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