
In New York, Government Transparency is Failing

“We need stricter and shorter deadlines for agencies to follow to ensure that [freedom of information] requests are fulfilled, transparency is met, and democracy is maintained.”

City Limits

Documents released to City Limits under FOIL.

In 2010, the Transportation Security Administration unveiled a new security device for airports. Rather than metal detectors, TSA began using “body scanners,” which effectively saw through travelers’ clothes to detect weapons or other potentially dangerous objects. What TSA did not disclose was that every time a traveler went through these detectors, a nude image of the traveler was captured, stored, and transferred on government servers.

In 2011, the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) filed a Freedom of Information request that provided them with documents revealing this practice. After a national outcry, the scanners were changed such that anatomical details were not captured, and images were not stored.

Democracy is only possible with transparency. If Americans do not know what their government is doing, they cannot provide oversight, and they cannot ensure that their rights are being upheld. As a result, every state and the federal government has freedom of information systems allowing the public to access government records. Unfortunately, while EPIC’s federal FOIA request was successful, requests under New York’s Freedom of Information Law do not create the kind of transparency necessary to allow New Yorkers to oversee their state and local governments.

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