
Hawks and State Farm unveil 10th Good Neighbor Club at Young Family YMCA

Hawks and State Farm Unveil 10th Good Neighbor Club at the Andrew and Walter Young Family YMCA in Southwest Atlanta.jpg (Photo Credit: Kat Goduco Photography)

The Atlanta Hawks and State Farm unveiled a newly renovated, multi-functional Good Neighbor Club at the Andrew and Walter Young Family YMCA in Southwest Atlanta last week.

This 10th Good Neighbor Club features a gym renovation including a refurbished basketball court, which was named in honor of Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Famer and Hawks legend Dominique Wilkins approximately 15 years ago. Also included were new backboards and hoops, upgraded scoreboards, new wall pads, lighting upgrades, additional basketball equipment and more.

Named in honor of Atlanta civil rights leaders, the Andrew and Walter Young Family YMCA was selected as the location for the Good Neighbor Club due to its strong ties to the Southwest Atlanta community and the continued relationship between the YMCA, the Young brothers and Dominique Wilkins, according to a press release.

“I’m super excited to be a part of the Hawks and State Farm’s new Good Neighbor Club and help continue to impact the local youth at the Andrew and Walter Young Family YMCA,” said Dominique Wilkins said in the release. “The Young brothers have continued to serve our local community, and understand the importance of uplifting the game of basketball. From the court dedication 15 years ago to now, it’s been amazing to see the legacy grow and I’m excited to watch this Good Neighbor Club impact even more local youth.”

The unveiling event featured special activities for the youth in attendance like basketball skills challenges, relay races, a torch craft and photo booth. The activities featured an opening ceremony, passport stamps for completing stations that the attendees could use for a raffle and a closing ceremony where they were able to get participation medals.

Attendees also enjoyed a surprise visit and giveaways from Hawks entertainment including Harry the Hawk, the ATL Dancers and Flight Crew.

In addition to Dominique Wilkins and the Young brothers, the Hawks and State Farm were joined at the unveiling by Atlanta Mayor, Andre Dickens and Atlanta City councilmembers Byron Amos, Michael J. Bond, Antonio Lewis, and Marci Overstreet.

In 2009, the brothers dedicated the basketball court on site to Wilkins. The Andrew and Walter Young Family YMCA reflects the Young brothers and Dominique Wilkins as a home for local students, a voting center, a place to play basketball and so much more.

“Walter and I grew up in the YMCA and between the two of us we have spent almost 150 years at the YMCA where we learned and developed many skills,” Andrew Young said in the release. “The Atlanta Hawks have always supported our youth and the Andrew and Walter Young Family YMCA and we are forever grateful.”

To learn more about the Hawks work in the community, visit

To learn more about how State Farm supports Safety, Education and Community Development, visit Community Service & Involvement – State Farm.

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