
Getting Communities On Board With New Housing

City Limits’ Executive Editor Jeanmarie Evelly recently sat down with Vicki Been, former deputy mayor of housing under Mayor Bill de Blasio, for a conversation about the role of community engagement in solving the housing shortage.

Adi Talwar

City Limits’ Executive Editor Jeanmarie Evelly interviewing Vicki Been, faculty director of NYU’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy and former deputy mayor of housing under Mayor Bill de Blasio.

For decades, housing production in New York has lagged behind population growth, a shortage that’s hit crisis levels in recent years: the city’s housing vacancy rate was just 1.4 percent in 2023, the lowest it’s been in half a century, while the homeless shelter population has more than doubled since 2022.

But new development is often met by community opposition. Last year, Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Housing Compact proposal, which would have required localities across New York to meet certain development targets, was met with significant backlash and hit a wall. Locally, a plan to house formerly incarcerated people with health needs in the Bronx, called Just Home, has drawn intense opposition, as has a seemingly less controversial proposal for 244 units in South Slope, on the Arrow Linen Supply Company site.

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