
Fox Board Member Paul Ryan Will Not Vote for Donald Trump

Paul Ryan, a member of the Fox Corporation Board of Directors, will not vote for former President Donald Trump, he told Yahoo on Tuesday at the Milken Institute Global Conference.

Ryan’s pledge is his latest attack against the America First movement. In April he praised House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for his leadership at a time when the Speaker’s actions permitted Democrats to seize control of the House.

Ryan said he will write in a Republican candidate, as he did “last time.” He did not specify any particular person.

“Character is too important for me,” Ryan claimed. “[The presidency] is a job that requires the kind of character [Trump] doesn’t have.”

“Democracy is being tested in two very specific ways. One within, with our polarization eating each other alive,” added Ryan, who is also a vice chairman and partner at Solamere Capital, a private equity firm.

“The second one is from [the outside], from authoritarian regimes who are basically saying they got the mojo, they can make the decisions faster, they can beat democracy,” he said.

Ryan’s comment comes as he holds significant influence within the Fox Corporation Board of Directors. Ryan, a board member since March 2019, serves as the chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee at the Fox Corporation.

His authority as a board member includes establishing “broad corporate policies,” setting “strategic direction,” and overseeing “management identification and management of risks,” according to Fox Corporation.

Ryan’s position raises questions about why his opinions are not disclosed to viewers during Fox News and Fox Business media coverage.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

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