
Clean Air Legislation Offers a Road to Justice for New York

“Passing this legislation before the end of the session allows legislators to implement a transformative emission reduction strategy, significantly improving air quality for their constituents, especially for communities living and working along bus routes and near bus depots.”

Bronx Buses

Adi Talwar

A flock of buses on 206th Street near Rochambeau Avenue in the Bronx.

Our days are inundated with news of how our delayed response to the climate crisis hurts frontline communities. From recurrent extreme weather events to rising sea levels, the signs of environmental distress are here. As responsible stewards of our planet, we must take bold and decisive actions. We know air pollution affects us all, but it isn’t experienced equally, disproportionately impacting low-income communities of color.

The Green Transit, Green Jobs bill (GTGJ) represents an equitable step toward New York State meeting the ambitious emission mandates set by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). This legislation proposes a planned transition with a comprehensive roadmap and guidelines developed by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and Department of Transportation.

It aims to protect communities from the harmful impacts of vehicle pollution, as recommended in the state’s Climate Scoping Plan. Passing this legislation before the end of the session allows legislators to implement a transformative emission reduction strategy, significantly improving air quality for their constituents, especially for communities living and working along bus routes and near bus depots.

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