
City touts Pride Parade compromise but some frustrations persist

Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration said Friday that more groups would be allowed to participate in next month’s Chicago Pride Parade but the declared compromise still left some in the city’s LGBTQ+ community frustrated and calling for the progressive mayor to ensure they are more involved in future decisions about the event.

This year’s Pride Parade, being held June 30, will be limited to 150 groups — the smallest in years — and will be shorter and start an hour earlier. But Johnson’s compromise increased the number of group participants over a previous city proposal of 125.

In what the mayor’s office described as a “joint statement” released Friday afternoon from the city, its advisory council on LGBTQ+ issues and parade organizers, Johnson did not expand on why the parade was shrinking aside from “minimizing logistical strains.”

But hours after the mayor’s office sent the statement, the council released its own statement saying it “did not review the statement and did not approve the council joining the statement. We are disappointed that the LGBTQ+ community was not consulted in reducing the entries and the shortening of the route.”

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