
Budget Cuts Could Make it Harder for NYC Govt. to Reduce Its Carbon Footprint

The government agency tasked with ensuring city-owned buildings and vehicles don’t contribute to climate change is facing a $1 billion cut to its preliminary capital commitment plan. Of those, $775 million directly impacts environmental efforts.

Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office

A city-owned electric car. New York City government owns or leases some 30,000 vehicles, managed by DCAS.

The agency tasked with managing city government’s buildings and vehicles is facing some hefty budget cuts, which lawmakers and advocates say could jeopardize New York City’s ability to comply with its own climate mandates.

The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) could see over $1 billion in cuts under the preliminary capital commitment plan, which covers long‑term investments in facilities and infrastructure for the next five years. Of those, $775 million come from “reductions to resiliency, sustainability and energy efficiency projects,” according to the Comptroller’s office.

Councilmember Lincoln Restler, who chairs the committee on governmental operations, says the reduction is so significant that it makes up 17 percent of all cuts in Mayor Eric Adam’s capital plan.

“If Mayor Eric Adams is committed to climate justice, he needs to work with the City Council to reverse these indefensible cuts,” Restler told City Limits

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