
Brookhaven’s Lake Hearn sidepath will connect with Sandy Springs

Brookhaven’s section of the Lake Hearn sidepath will connect it with the bridge on Perimeter Center Parkway NE that crosses over I-285 heading into Dunwoody. (Provided by the city of Brookhaven)

The Brookhaven City Council approved a project agreement with the Central Perimeter Community Improvement District to split the cost for design and construction of the Lake Hearn sidepath.

The total project costs are estimated at $680,000, with the city and the CID contributing $340,000. Engineering and design activities are expected to cost $80,000. The right-of-way and construction costs are expected to be $600,000.

Brookhaven’s section will connect with the Sandy Springs portion of the sidepath.

“Most importantly, this is a partnership with the PCID and the City of Sandy Springs. And the leadership and leadership of PCIT has just been a great collaborator on many, many projects,” City Manager Christian Stigman said.

GDOT funds add paving projects in Brookhaven

The Brookhaven City Council also approved making an application to the Georgia Department of Transportation to receive the $608,631 the state agency allocated for it in the 2024 Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG) Supplemental Local Road Assistance supplement program.

Staff recommended paving sections of almost half a mile of streets on three roads. The cost would be $713,245, requiring the city to fund $109,613 of the project list

A fifth of a mile of Chelsea Crescent starting at the intersection with West Nancy Creek Drive and continuing to the end of pavement would be paved at a projected cost of $315,000.

Woodcliff Drive would have 0.17 of a mile of roadway from Briarcliff Road to Woodcliff Court paved with a projected cost of $263,455.

Old Briarwood Road would be the smallest of the three projects with 0.09 of a mile paved from N.E. Expressway to the end of the road. The cost would be $134,791.

The latest projected start date for the paving projects would be in March 2025.

The city this year had previously received $491,503 in its annual allocation of LMIG funds from GDOT.

Contract awarded for Chantilly sidewalk

A $230,500 contract was awarded by the city council to Excellere Construction for the Chantilly sidewalk project.

The project consists of constructing approximately 1,000 linear feet of 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on the western side of Chantilly Drive from the intersection of Chantilly Drive and Executive Park South and continuing south to Sheridan Road, according to the city council’s meeting agenda. The construction of this sidewalk will tie into the City’s goals for the Southern Gateway by increasing connectivity and safe walkability throughout the corridor.

The project also includes the construction of approximately 75 linear feet of gravity retaining wall, and the required modifications to existing infrastructure, according to the city’s website.

Ten bids were submitted. The apparent low bidder failed to submit required documents and the bid was considered unresponsive.

Supplemental funds approved for North Druid Hills streetscape

An amendment to the 2024 Special Service District Fund Budget and the Urban Redevelopment Agency Fund Budget made by the city council will provide funds for streetscape design in the North Druid Hills Road Corridor Streetscape Improvements Project.

The amendment appropriated $155,000 from the Special Service District Fund Balance to be put into the Urban Redevelopment Agency Fund for streetscape design.

The council approved a design service contract supplemental of $146,258 with Michael Baker International for the North Druid Hill Streetscape Project.

The project will complete the streetscape improvements from Buford Highway to Goodwin Place along North Druid Hills Road, which is approximately 2,500 linear feet.

The scope of the supplemental work includes water and sewer relocations plans, and signal modifications for pedestrian facilities at the intersection of North Druid Hills Road with Goodwin Road and Goodwin Place. Goodwin Place will be incorporated into signal phasing. Other work in the contract will include traffic studies and design for inclusion of a continuous raised and landscaped median along the road between Buford Highway and E. Roxboro Road, with two median breaks forecast at Saxon Place and Childers Road; determining if signalization is warranted for median breaks, and enhanced landscaping throughout the corridor.

Rock removal, project management funded

Other expenditure approval will have Brookhaven spending $161,000 for mass rock removal at the Briarwood Recreation Center with approval of an amendment to the 2024 Capital Improvement Program.

 And Jacob’s Engineering will continue to serve the city with project management under a professional services expenditure of $155,250.

The city council approved amending the 2017 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST I) Fund, for the 2024 fiscal year, to appropriate the funds.

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