
Ben Franklin kite experiment immortalized in “Bolt of Lightning” sculpture

It took a half century for a concept on paper to become a 58-ton sculpture to commemorate an event that took place on June 10, 1752.

Isamu Noguchi submitted an idea for a work of art to honor Philly’s most famous resident, Benjamin Franklin. The submission was delivered in 1933 (some accounts say 1934) to a Philadelphia agency preparing to commemorate the city’s founding. 

Back then, Noguchi’s suggestion never really panned out.

But in 1979, the idea resurfaced at an exhibition of his work at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Noguchi was commissioned by the Association for Public Art to make the sculpture as a present to Philadelphia to mark the city’s tricentennial in 1982. By that time, Noguchi had earned a reputation as one of the world’s great sculptors. 

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