
After 100 Phillies Schwar-bombs, here’s some of the best

Home runs have niche classifications: moonshots, lasers, oppo-boppo, etc. Any slugger has a type they hit the most, but by the end of their careers, they’ve probably hit them all at least once.

A Schwar-bomb is different. It can only be hit by one player, and yes, it’s the player whose name is in the word. Kyle Schwarber has Schwar-bombed in the pre-season, the regular season, and the postseason (He’s played in every MLB postseason since 2015 but one: 2019). He’s done it for the Cubs. The Nationals. The Red Sox. He’s Schwar-bombed for America itself

And when Schwarber was signed by the Phillies prior to the 2022 season, it was so that he would now knock his unique brand of loud, high, long, homers for them. Last night against the Padres, he did it for the 100th time. 

So with career home run number 250 and Phillies home run number 100 under his belt this season, let’s skim the archives and remember a few Schwar-bombs that made some serious impact. 

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