
Reimagining NYCHA for the 21st Century

“NYCHA needs a radical reformation—one that requires the authority to turn observers into supporters.”

NYCHA Gowanus Houses

Adi Talwar

NYCHA’s Gowanus Houses.

Superstorm Sandy didn’t just flood homes; it exposed the systemic neglect that has plagued New York City’s public housing for decades. As a community liaison in Gowanus, I saw firsthand the power of diverse partnerships uniting to restore services. We were able to push public partners to not only rebuild, but to reinvest in a community center that had been shuttered for decades. This experience solidified my belief that NYCHA needs a radical reformation—one that requires the authority to turn observers into supporters.

Nearly a century ago, Langdon Post, the first chairman of the New York City Housing Authority, published “The Challenge of Housing.” Post provided evidence demonstrating that little can be expected from a private sector that prioritizes profits—comparing them to ostriches sticking their necks in the ground, wagging their tail at the misery of New Yorkers. Today, that fact has not only persisted, it’s intensified for the more than half a million New Yorkers whose politicians have learned nothing, as they continue to believe in private sector solutions to housing problems.

In my 12 years in public housing, from the front lines of resident engagement to the implementation of programming with public-nonprofit partnerships, I’ve seen the crisis unfold. The Authority is buckling under a staggering backlog in capital repairs. The consequences of disinvestment have been devastating. On average, NYCHA takes 370 days to complete a repair—an agonizing wait for residents who regularly feel like second-class citizens. Community meetings echo with stories of leaky roofs, broken heating systems, and persistent mold. This isn’t just about inconvenience; it’s about health, safety, and basic human dignity.

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