
Primary election arrives; Ballot problems; Boyle warrant withdrawn

Today’s the day. Polls will be open through 8 p.m. for the Pennsylvania Primary. Not sure who is in the running? Catch up with BP’s Primary Day Procrastinator’s Guide

Maybe you’ve already submitted a mail ballot? Find out if you’re one of hundreds of voters who have problems with their ballots that will keep your vote from counting for a variety of reasons. 

In addition to dozens of candidates, there’s also a ballot question up for consideration, BP’s Meir Rinde has an explanation of that question about city support for Registered Community Orgs.

Philadelphia’s “I Voted” stickers were designed by a local high schooler. (Danya Henninger/Billy Penn)

A review of Philadelphia’s Office of Homeless Services by the inspector general did not turn up any criminal activities, even though the review found OHS went over budget by millions of dollars.

Funding for the office had been cut by several million dollars in FY 2020, but officials disregarded the decrease and kept spending at the previous year’s level in the interest of saving people who were living on the streets of the city. Continue reading… 

Elizabeth Hersh (right), former executive director of the city of Philadelphia’s Office of Homeless Services, and its current executive director, David Holloman (left), before Hersh retired in October of 2023. (Kimberly Paynter/WHYY)

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• An arrest warrant for Pa. state Rep. Kevin Boyle was withdrawn on primary eve, DA Krasner said Monday. Police and prosecutors said the warrant was wrongly issued. [AP/WHYY]

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