
1 in 4 New York City Residents Burdened With Student Loan Debt: Survey

The report reveal disparities by gender and race, with women and people of color having higher levels of debt and facing more challenges in repaying it.

college graduation

Gerardo Romo / NYC Council Media Unit

One in four New York City residents are burdened by student loan debt, according to the findings of a recent survey.

The survey, by the Community Service Society of New York,* was conducted by phone from July 6 through Aug.7, 2023 and reached 1,758 New Yorkers.

It revealed disparities by gender and race, with women and people of color having higher levels of debt and facing more challenges in repaying it. Across income categories, households with student loan debt were more likely to experience severe economic hardships compared to similar households without such debt, raising questions about whether higher education is still a secure pathway to upward mobility. 

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